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question bank according to CBDC syllabus



➥ General Anatomy

Concept of cell as structural and functional unit of the body(MSØV)

1. Define cell
2. Name the components of cell
3. Mention their functions of cell organelle
4. Mention the types of cell division
5. explain their significance

Understanding of the four basic tissues that make up organs and systems(MSØV)

1. Describe the structure and location
2. Mention the characteristics
3. Function of each of the basic tissues

Understand role of DNA in carrying the genetic code and RNA in gene expression(MSØV)

1. Describe the structure of DNA and RNA
2. List the functions of DNA and RNA

Describe the role of chromosomes in transfer or genetic material & role in cell division(MSØV)

1. Definition and number
2. Karyotyping
3. Barr body
4. Chromosomal abnormalities

Explain the concept of Gene as unit of inheritance(MSØV)

1. Definition
2. Functions
3. Types and location

Describe the types of inheritance and their role in hereditary diseases(MSØV)

1. Definition
2. Define autosomal inheritance
3. Define sex linked inheritance
4. Define mitochondrial inheritance

Describe the genetic basis of diseases(MSØV)

1. Mention the types of genetic abnormalities
2. Describe the genetic basis of Down’s syndrome
3. Explain miasmatic influence on heredity

Definition and subdivisions of anatomy(MSØV)

1. Definition of anatomy
2. List the subdivisions of anatomy
3. Recall the methods of study in each sub division of anatomy

History of Anatomy(MSØV)

1. Recall the evolution of anatomy as a science
2. Enumerate the major contributors and their work

Anatomical Terms of position & movement(MSØV)

1. Define anatomical terms of position and movement
2. Apply the anatomical terms
3. Demonstrate the movements

Skin, Superficial and Deep fasciae(MSØV)

1. Describe the structure, appendages of skin
2. Mention the functions of skin
3. Describe superficial fascia and its distribution
4. Describe deep fascia and its functions


1. Classify muscles
2. Classify skeletal muscles based on fascicular architecture and their blood and nerve supply
3. Explain the actions of skeletal muscles


1. Describe the structure and functions of bones
2. Classify bones
3. Describe the parts of growing long bone
4. Explain the blood supply of long bone


-List the scope and limitations of HMM(MSLV)
-Discuss the scope and limitations of HMM(MSLV)
-Discuss the solutions to overcome the limitations of HMM(MSLV)


1. Define joints
2. Classify joints
3. Describe the structure of synovial joint
4. Classify synovial joints
5. Mention the blood and nerve supply of joints

Blood vessels(MSØV)

1. Describe the types of blood vessels Blood vessels
2. Explain anastomosis & arteriovenous anastomosis
3. Describe the types of blood circulation
4. Describe foetal circulation

Lymphatic system(MSØV)

1. Define the lymphatic system and mention its functions
2. Enumerate the components of lymphatic systems
3. Define mucosa associated lymphatic tissue and bronchus associated lymphatic tissue


1. Classify nervous system
2. Describe neuron & neuroglia
3. Describe the formation of typical spinal nerve
4. Differentiate sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems


1. Define a gland
2. Describe exocrine and endocrine glands
3. Classify exocrine glands
4. Classify endocrine glands

Cell, Tissues, organs, Organ System(MSØV)

1. Describe the action of Homoeopathic drugs on cellular level

➥ Embryology

Introduction to histology(MSØV)

1. Define histology
2. Describe parts of microscope
3. Explain the use of microscope

Epithelial tissue(MSØV)

1. Define epithelium
2. Mention the characteristics of epithelial tissue
3. Classify epithelia

Connective tissue(MSØV)

1. Define connective tissue
2. Mention the characteristics of connective tissue
3. Classify connective tissue


1. Classify cartilages
2. Describe the microscopic structure of hyaline cartilage
3. Describe the microscopic structure of fibro cartilage
4. Describe the microscopic structure of elastic cartilage


1. Describe haversian system
2. Describe the microscopic structure of L S and T S of compact bone
3. Describe the microscopic structure of spongy bone


1. Classify muscle tissue 2. Describe the microscopic structure of L S and T S of skeletal muscle
3. Describe the microscopic structure of smooth muscle
4. Describe the microscopic structure of cardiac muscle

Nervous tissue(MSØV)

1. Describe nerve
2. Describe T S of peripheral nerve
3. Describe L S of peripheral nerve


1. Describe microscopic structure of thin skin
2. Describe microscopic structure of thick skin
3. Describe appendages of skin

Lymphoid Organs(MSØV)

1. Mention lymphoid organs
2. Describe the microscopic structure of lymph node,
3. Describe the microscopic structure of tonsil
4. Describe the microscopic structure of thymus
5. Describe the microscopic structure of spleen

Blood vessels(MSØV)

1. Classify blood vessels
2. Describe the microscopic structure of large artery
3. Describe the histology of medium sized artery
4. Describe the microscopic structure of large vein


1. Classify glands based on type of secretion
2. Describe the microscopic structure of serous gland
3. Describe the microscopic structure of mucous gland
4. Describe the microscopic structure of mixed gland

➥ Upper Extremities

Anatomical features of Pectoral region and axilla Back and Intermuscular spaces around scapula Arm and cubital fossa Fore arm Flexor and extensor retinacula Palmar aponeurosis and spaces in palmar spaces(MSØV)

1. Describe the contents of the regions of upper extremity
2. Recall the attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles in the regions
3. Describe the main joint, blood vessels and nerves in the region.
4. Identify the surface land marks in the region for surface marking

Main blood vessels of the upper limb: Axillary artery, brachial artery Radial artery and ulnar artery and superficial veins of upper extremity(MSLV)

1. Describe the origin, extent, parts, branches and distribution of main arteries
2. Describe superficial and deep palmar arches
3. Describe the venous drainage of upper extremity
4. Describe their applied anatomy

Describe the Anatomy of nerves of Upper extremity Median nerve, Ulnar nerve, Radial nerve, Musculocutaneous nerve and Axillary nerve(MSLV)

1. Describe the formation, course and relations of main nerves of the upper extremity
2. Mention their branches and their distribution
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Describe the anatomy of Brachial plexus(MSLV)

1. Define nerve plexus
2. Enumerate the root value of Brachial plexus
3. Mention the stages of formation of Brachial plexus
4. Name the branches of Brachial plexus
5. Enlist the deformities due to injuries to Brachial plexus

Describe the anatomy of Breast(MSLV)

1. Define location & extent of breast
2. Describe structure of breast
3. Describe the relations, blood supply and nerve supply
4. Explain the lymphatic drainage of breast
5. Describe applied anatomy of breast

Describe the Anatomy of joints of Upper extremity Shoulder, Elbow, Radio-ulnar and wrist joints(MSLV)

1. Enumerate the joints of upper extremity
2. Describe the articulating surfaces, ligaments, blood and nerve supply of joints of upper extremity
3. Describe the movements of joints upper extremity
4. Describe the applied anatomy of joints of upper extremity

Structures of upper extremity(ØØØV)

1. Enumerate the homoeopathic drugs related to structures of upper extremity.
2. Enumerate the rubrics related to structures of upper extremity

➥ Lower Extremities

Front of the thigh, Femoral triangle, Medial side of thigh, Gluteal region, Back of the thigh and popliteal fossa, Front of the thigh and dorsum of the foot, Back & side of the leg, retinacula and sole of the foot(MSØV)

1. Describe Contents of the regions of lower extremity
2. Recall the attachments, nerve supply and actions of the muscles in the regions
3. Describe the main joint, blood vessels and nerves in the region
4. Identify the surface land marks in the region for surface marking

Main blood vessels of the upper extremity: Femoral artery, Popliteal artery, Anterior tibial & Posterior tibial and Dorsalis pedis artery(MSLV)

1. Describe the origin, extent, parts, branches and distribution of main arteries
2. Describe superficial and deep plantar arches
3. Describe the venous drainage of lower extremity
4. Describe their applied anatomy

Describe morphology nerves of lower extremity Femoral, obturator, Sciatic, common peroneal and Tibial nerves(MSLV)

1. Describe the formation, course and relations of main nerves of the lower extremity
2. Mention their branches and their distribution
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Describe the anatomy of Lumbar & Sacral plexuses(MSLV)

1. Define nerve plexus
2. Enumerate the root value of the plexuses
3. Describe the formation of the plexuses
4. Name the branches of sacral and lumbar plexus
5. Enlist the deformities due to injuries to lumbar & sacral plexuses

Describe the Anatomy of joints of Lower extremity Hip, Knee and Ankle Arches of the foot(MSLV)

1. Describe the articulating surfaces, ligaments, blood and nerve supply of joints of lower extremity
2. Describe the movements of joints lower extremity
3. Describe the applied anatomy of joints of lower extremity
4. Describe the formation of arches of foot
5. Describe the applied anatomy

Structures of lower extremity(ØØØV)

1. Enumerate the homoeopathic drugs related to structures of lower extremity
2. Enumerate the rubrics related to structures of lower extremity

➥ Thorax

Introduction & Trachea(MSØV)

1. Describe the Boundaries and content of thoracic cage
2. Describe the morphology of trachea
3. Mention the Blood supply and nerve supply
4. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Define pleura
2. Mention the layers
3. Describe the parts of parietal pleura
4. Mention its blood and nerve supply
5. Describe its applied anatomy


1. Describe the external features of the lung
2. Compare the features of right and left lungs
3. State the blood supply and nerve supply
4. Explain the broncho-pulmonary segments and their applied aspect


1. Define mediastinum
2. Describe the boundaries of mediastinum
3. Mention the contents of each mediastinum
4. Describe its applied aspect

Pericardium and Heart(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of the pericardium
2. Describe the external features of the heart
3. Describe the internal features of the chambers of heart
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Blood supply of heart(MSLV)

1. Mention the arteries and veins supplying the heart
2. Describe the course and distribution of right and left coronary arteries
3. Describe the course and drainage of coronary sinus
4. Describe the applied aspect

Superior mediastinum: Arch of aorta(MSØV)

1. Describe the extent, course, convexities of arch of aorta
2. Mention the relations
3. Name the branches
4. Describe the applied aspect

Superior mediastinum: Superior Vena cava(MSØV)

1. Describe the formation of SVC
2. Describe its course and relations
3. Name the tributaries
4. Describe it applied anatomy

Posterior mediastinum: Azygous vein & Thoracic duct(MSØV)

1. Describe the origin, course and tributaries of azygos vein
2. Mention the relations
3. Describe the origin, course and tributaries of thoracic duct
4. Mention the relations of thoracic duct
5. Describe their applied anatomy

Posterior mediastinum: Oesophagus & Descending thoracic aorta(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology and relations of the oesophagus
2. Mention constrictions in its course
3. Mention the blood supply and nerve supply
4. Describe the extent, branches and relations of descending thoracic aorta
5. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the attachments, nerve supply and actions of diaphragm
2. Mention the major openings in the diaphragm and structures passing through it.
3. Describe the nerve and blood supply
4. Describe its applied anatomy

Systemic embryology: Development of Heart and lung(MSØV)

1. Describe the formation of primitive heart tube
2. Describe the formation of the atria and ventricles of the heart
3. Explain the embryological basis of major congenital anomalies of heart
4. Describe formation of lung

Systemic histology: Trachea and Lung(MSØV)

1. Describe the microscopic structure of trachea and lung
2. Correlate with their functions
3. Explain the applied aspect and correlate with histopathology

Structures of Thorax(ØØØV)

1. Enumerate the homoeopathic drugs related to thorax
2. Enumerate the rubrics related to thorax

➥ Abdomen


1. Describe the regions of abdominal cavity
2. Name the contents of abdominal cavity and pelvic cavity
3. Describe perineum

Abdominal Wall(MSØV)

1. Describe the muscles of anterior abdominal wall and their actions
2. Describe the boundaries and contents of inguinal canal
3. Explain the applied anatomy of inguinal canal


1. Define peritoneum
2. Describe greater sac, lesser sac and epiploic foramen
3. Describe the folds of peritoneum
4. Describe recto-uterine pouch and hepatorenal pouch
5. Define mesoappendix, transverse mesocolon and sigmoid mesocolon


1. Describe the morphology of stomach
2. Describe the relations of stomach
3. Describe the interior of stomach
4. Describe the blood and nerve supply of stomach
5. Explain the applied anatomy of stomach


1. Describe the morphology of liver
2. Describe the ligaments of liver
3. through porta hepatis
4. Describe the blood and nerve supply of liver
5. Explain the applied anatomy of liver

Extra hepatic biliary apparatus(MSØV)

1. Mention the parts of extra hepatic biliary apparatus
2. Describe the morphology of gall bladder and its interior
3. Describe the blood and nerve supply of gall bladder
4. Describe the formation of bile duct
5. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the morphology of spleen
2. Describe the ligaments of spleen
3. Describe the functions of spleen and its applied anatomy


1. Describe the morphology of duodenum
2. Describe interior of duodenum
3. Describe the blood and nerve supply of duodenum
4. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the morphology of pancreas
2. Describe duct system of pancreas
3. Describe the blood and nerve supply and applied anatomy

Jejunum, Ileum and Superior mesenteric artery(MSØV)

1. Mention the characteristics of small intestine
2. State the differences between jejunum and ileum
3. Describe the origin, branches and distribution of superior mesenteric artery

Caecum and appendix(MSØV)

1. Mention the morphology of caecum and vermiform appendix
2. Describe their relations, blood and nerve supply
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Large intestine(MSØV)

1. Mention the parts of large intestine
2. Mention the characteristics of large intestine
3. Mention the differences between large and small intestines
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Portal venous system(MSLV)

1. Define portal vein
2. Describe its formation, course and relations
3. Mention the tributaries
4. Mention the sites of portacaval anastomosis and its applied anatomy


1. Describe the morphology of kidney
2. Mention the relations of the kidneys
3. Describe the structure of kidney in coronal section
4. Describe the blood supply of kidneys
5. Explain the applied anatomy

Supra renal glands(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of supra renal glands
2. Mention their relations
3. Mention the functions
4. Describe the blood supply of supra renal glands
5. Explain the applied anatomy

Abdominal aorta(MSLV)

1. Describe the origin and extent of abdominal aorta
2. Mention the relations
3. Name the branches
4. Describe the course and distribution of coeliac trunk
5. Describe the course and distribution of coeliac trunk

Posterior abdominal wall and Inferior vena cava(MSØV)

1. Name the structures in the posterior abdominal wall
2. Describe the origin, course relations and tributaries of inferior vena cava
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Urinary bladder(MSLV)

1. Describe the morphology of urinary bladder
2. Describe the relations of urinary bladder
3. Describe the ligaments of urinary bladder
4. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the extent and parts of ureter
2. Describe the course and relations
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Prostate gland(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of prostate gland
2. Describe the relations of prostate gland
3. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the morphology of ovary
2. Describe the relations of ovary
3. Name the ligaments of ovary
4. Mention the blood supply of ovary
5. Describe the applied anatomy of ovary


1. Describe the morphology of uterus
2. Describe the relations of Uterus
3. Name the ligaments and supports of uterus
4. Mention the blood supply of uterus
5. Describe the applied anatomy of uterus

Fallopian tube(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of fallopian tube
2. Describe the relations of fallopian tube
3. Describe the applied anatomy of fallopian tube

Scrotum and Testis(MSLV)

1. Describe the morphology of scrotum
2. Mention its blood and nerve supply
3. Describe the morphology of testis
4. Describe the applied anatomy of testis

Vas deferens(MSLV)

1. Mention the extent of ductus deferens, its course and relations
2. Mention its blood and nerve supply
3. Describe the applied anatomy of vas deferens


1. Describe the morphology of rectum and its relations
2. Mention its blood and nerve supply
3. Describe the applied anatomy of rectum

Anal canal(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of anal canal and its relations
2. Mention its blood and nerve supply
3. Describe the applied anatomy of anal canal

Wall of pelvis including pelvic diaphragm(MSØV)

1. Describe the structures that form the walls and pelvic diaphragm
2. Describe the main blood vessels and nerves pelvis and perineum
3. Describe their applied aspect

Perineum: superficial and deep perineal pouches(MSØV)

1. Define perineum and mention its sub divisions
2. Describe the boundaries and contents of superficial and deep perineal pouches
3. Describe the applied anatomy

ischiorectal fossa(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of ischiorectal fossa
2. Mention the contents
3. Describe the applied anatomy of anal canal

Systemic embryology: Development of Digestive system and Urogenital system(MSØV)

1. Explain the process of formation of primitive and development of digestive system including liver and pancreas
2. Explain the process of development of kidney, urinary bladder and ureter
3. Explain the process of formation of male and female gonads and reproductive organs

Systemic histology: Microscopic structure of Digestive, urinary, reproductive systems and Supra renal gland(MSØV)

1. Describe the microscopic structure of digestive, urinary, reproductive systems and supra renal gland
2. Correlate with their functions
3. Explain the applied aspect and correlate with histopathology

Structures of Abdomen & Pelvis(ØØØV)

1. Enumerate the homoeopathic drugs related to Structures of Abdomen & Pelvis
2. Enumerate the rubrics related to Structures of Abdomen & Pelvis

➥ Head Neck Face & Special Senses

Introduction & Scalp(MSLV)

1. Mention the main areas of the head and neck region
2. Describe the layers of the scalp
3. Enumerate the blood and nerves supplying the scalp
4. Describe the applied anatomy of scalp

Face – Muscle, Nerve and Blood vessels(MSØV)

1. Name the muscles of facial expression
2. Mention the blood and nerve supply of face
3. Explain related applied anatomy

Lachrymal apparatus(MSØV)

1. Mention the components of lachrymal apparatus
2. Describe the location and function of each of the components of lachrymal apparatus
3. Describe their applied anatomy

Side of the neck: Posterior triangle(MSLV)

1. Define triangles of neck
2. Describe the boundaries and contents of posterior triangle
3. Describe applied aspect

Front of the neck and Anterior triangle(MSØV)

1. Describe the sub divisions of anterior triangle
2. Describe the boundaries and contents of carotid triangle and digastric triangle
3. Describe the principal neurovascular bundle of the neck
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Deep Cervical fascia(MSØV)

1. Describe the parts of deep cervical fascia
2. Describe the attachments and modifications
3. Explain applied anatomy

Back of the neck: sub-occipital triangle(MSØV)

1. Describe the features of the back of the neck
2. Describe the boundaries and contents of occipital triangle

Content of the Vertebral Canal(MSØV)

1. List the contents of the vertebral canal
2. Describe the meninges of the spinal cord
3. Describe the internal vertebral plexus of veins and their applied anatomy

Parotid Gland(MSLV)

1. Describe the surfaces, border and relations of parotid gland
2. Mention the blood and nerve supply of the parotid gland
3. List the structures inside the parotid gland and parotid duct
4. Describe the clinical aspect

Submandibular gland(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of submandibular gland
2. Mention its blood and nerve supply
3. Describe the applied aspect

Muscles of Mastication(MSØV)

1. Name the muscles of mastication
2. Describe their attachments, nerve supply and actions
3. Describe related applied anatomy

TemporoMandibular Joint(MSØV)

1. Describe the articulation of TM joint
2. Enumerate the ligaments of the joint
3. Describe the relations
4. Explain the movements of the joint
5. Describe its applied anatomy

Thyroid Gland(MSLV)

1. Describe the location, external features and relations
2. Describe the blood and nerve supply
3. Describe its development
4. Explain the applied anatomy

Cranial cavity: Dura mater, Dural venous sinuses & Pituitary gland(MSØV)

1. Describe the contents of cranial cavity
2. Describe morphology of pituitary gland and its clinical importance
3. Describe the folds of dura mater
4. Classify dural venous sinuses
5. Explain anatomy and clinical importance of cavernous sinus

Contents of the Orbit(MSØV)

1. Name the contents of orbit
2. Describe the fasciae around eye ball
3. Describe the course and distribution of ophthalmic nerve
4. Describe blood vessels in the orbit
5. Describe the connections and distribution of ciliary ganglion

Extra Ocular Muscles(MSØV)

1. Name the extra ocular muscles
2. Describe their attachments, nerve supply and actions
3. Discuss the clinical anatomy

Oral cavity(MSØV)

1. Describe the parts and structure of tooth
2. Explain blood and nerve supply of tooth
3. Describe applied anatomy

Soft palate and palatine tonsil(MSØV)

1. Describe the structure, muscles, blood and nerve supply of soft palate
2. Define Waldayer’s lymphatic ring
3. Describe the features, blood and nerve supply of palatine tonsil
4. Describe the applied anatomy of palatine tonsil


1. Describe the parts, features of the tongue
2. Describe the blood and nerve supply of tongue
3. Describe applied anatomy of tongue


1. Describe the parts of the pharynx and their features
2. Describe the constrictors of pharynx
3. Describe the blood and nerve supply
4. Describe its applied anatomy


1. Describe the cartilages of larynx
2. Describe the interior of larynx
3. Describe its blood and nerve supply
4. Explain its applied anatomy

Nose and paranasal air cavities(MSØV)

1. Describe the features, blood and nerve supply of nasal septum and lateral wall of the nose
2. Describe the features, blood and nerve supply of paranasal air sinuses
3. Describe its applied anatomy

Ear: middle ear cavity(MSLV)

1. Mention the parts of the ear
2. Describe the parts, boundaries and contents of middle ear cavity
3. Describe features of ear ossicles
4. Describe the applied anatomy of middle ear cavity

Eustachian tube(MSØV)

1. Describe the parts of the auditory tube
2. Describe its relations
3. Mention the blood and nerve supply
4. Describe its clinical anatomy


1. Describe the structure and location
2. Mention the characteristics
3. Function of each of the basic tissues

Common & Internal carotid artery(MSØV)

1. Describe the origin, course relations and branches of CCA
2. Describe the origin, parts, course relations and distribution of ICA
3. Describe their applied anatomy

External carotid artery(MSLV)

1. Describe the origin, parts, course relations and distribution of ECA
2. Describe the course, relations and distribution of facial, lingual, maxillary and superficial temporal arteries
3. Describe their applied anatomy

Vertebral artery and middle meningeal artery(MSØV)

1. Describe the parts, course, relations and branches of vertebral artery
2. Describe the parts, course, relations and branches of middle meningeal artery
3. Describe its applied anatomy

Internal Jugular vein(MSØV)

1. Describe the formation of IVC
2. Describe the course and relations of IVC
3. Name the tributaries
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Systemic histology: Thyroid gland, Pituitary gland and Tongue(MSØV)

1. Describe the microscopic structure of thyroid gland, pituitary gland and tongue
2. Correlate with their functions
3. Explain the applied aspect and correlate with histopathology

Systemic embryology: Pharyngeal arches: derivatives(MSØV)

1. Describe the formation of pharyngeal arches
2. Name the derivatives of pharyngeal arches
3. Describe the formation of tongue and thyroid gland

Structures of HNF(ØØØV)

1. Enumerate the homoeopathic drugs related to the structures of HNF
2. Enumerate the rubrics related to the structures of HNF

➥ Brain- CNS System


1. Describe the parts of the nervous system
2. Mention the parts of the brain
3. Describe the structure of neuron and neuroglia
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Meninges & CSF(MSØV)

1. Describe the layers of meninges
2. Define Cisterns
3. Describe the ventricles
4. Describe the formation, circulation and functions of the CSF
5. Describe the applied anatomy

Spinal cord(MSØV)

1. Describe the morphology of spinal cord
2. Describe the structure in T.S
3. Mention the main contents of gray and white matter of SC
4. Mention the blood supply of spinal cord
5. Describe the applied anatomy

Medulla oblongata(MSØV)

1. Describe the external features
2. Describe the internal structures in the transverse sections
3. Describe the blood supply
4. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the external features
2. Describe the structures in the transverse section
3. Describe the blood supply
4. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the location and external features
2. Describe the division and connections of cerebellum
3. Enumerate cerebellar peduncles
4. Name intra cerebellar nuclei
5. Describe the blood supply
6. Describe the applied anatomy

Fourth ventricle(MSØV)

1. Describe the boundaries of the ventricle
2. Explain the features
3. Mention the structures in the floor of IV Ventricle
4. Describe the applied anatomy


1. Describe the external features
2. Describe the structures in the transverse section
3. Describe the blood supply
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Diencephalon: Thalamus & Hypothalamus(MSØV)

1. Name the parts of diencephalon
2. Describe the nuclei of thalamus and its functions
3. Describe the nuclei and functions of hypothalamus
4. Explain clinical significance

Third Ventricle(MSØV)

1. Describe the boundaries of the ventricle
2. Explain the features
3. Name the structures in the floor of III Ventricle
4. Describe the applied anatomy

Lateral Ventricle(MSØV)

1. Describe the boundaries of the ventricle
2. Explain the features
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Cerebrum: external features(MSØV)

1. Describe the external features
2. Name major sulci and Gyri
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Functional areas of cerebral cortex(MSØV)

1. Mention the functional area and their importance
2. Describe the applied anatomy

Basal ganglia(MSØV)

1. Name the basal ganglia
2. Describe their location and blood supply
3. Describe the applied anatomy

White matter of cerebrum: Corpus callosum & Internal capsule(MSØV)

1. Classify white matter of cerebrum
2. Describe the parts of corpus callosum
3. Describe the parts and composition of internal capsule
4. Mention the blood supply of internal capsule

Blood supply of brain(MSØV)

1. Mention the blood supply to the brain
2. Explain the formation, branches and distribution of circle of Willis
3. Describe the applied anatomy

Cranial nerves(MSØV)

1. Describe the origin, course, branches and distribution of major cranial nerves
2. Describe applied anatomy

Systemic embryology: Development of Brain(MSØV)

1. Describe the formation and fate of neural tube
2. List the derivatives of neural crest
3. Describe the formation of eye ball
4. Describe the formation of pituitary gland

Structures of CNS(ØØØV)

1. Enumerate the homoeopathic drugs related to the structures of CNS
2. Enumerate the rubrics related to the structures of CNS


➥ Histology

Histological & functional Correlation basic tissues and organs of the body

1. Identify the tissue/organ under microscope
2. Draw & label a schematic diagram to indicate the microscopic structure
3. Discuss Its characteristic features
4. Correlate the microscopic structure with its normal function

➥ Upper Extremities

Osteology of upper extremity

1. Describe the laterality and general features of the bone
2. Describe the major attachments
3. Describe ossification
4. Describe the applied anatomy
5. Draw the surface marking of the major structures in the regions using surface landmarks

Dissection/ Demonstration

1. Describe the important surface land marks in the region
2. Identify major muscles, blood vessels and nerves including fascial structures of clinical importance
3. Identify articular surfaces of major joints
4. Correlate features and normal functioning of joints

Radiological anatomy of upper extremity

1. Describe the normal appearance and relationship of bones and joints in a normal radiograph (X-ray) of the region

➥ Lower Extremities

Osteology of lower extremity

1. Describe the laterality and general features of the bones of the region
2. Describe the major attachments
3. Mention clinically important ossification features
4. Draw the surface marking of the major structures in the regions using surface landmarks

Dissection/ Demonstration

1. Describe the important surface land marks in the region
2. Identify major muscles, blood vessels and nerves including fascial structures of clinical importance
3. Identify articular surfaces of major joints
4. Correlate features and normal functioning of joints

Radiological anatomy of Lower extremity

1. Describe the normal appearance and relationship of bones and joints in a normal radiograph (X-ray) of the region

➥ Abdomen

Osteology of Abdomen & Pelvis

1. Describe the general features of the lumbar vertebra, Sacrum & Pelvis
2. Describe the major attachments on sacrum
3. Mention clinically significant ossification features
4. Draw the surface marking of the major structures in the regions using surface landmarks

Dissection/ Demonstration

1. Describe the important surface land marks in the region
2. Identify the abdominal viscera and describe major surface & internal features
3. Identify pelvic viscera and describe their features and relations

Radiological anatomy of Abdomen & Pelvis

1. Interpret a normal radiograph (X-ray) of the abdomen and pelvis in different commonly used views

➥ Head Neck Face

Osteology of Head, Neck & Face

1. Describe the general features of the skull, hyoid bone, cervical vertebrae & mandible
2. Describe the major attachments on mandible
3. Mention clinically significant ossification features
4. Draw the surface marking of the major structures in the regions using surface landmarks

Dissection/ Demonstration

1. Describe the important surface land marks in the region
2.Identify major viscera, muscles, blood vessels and nerves including fascial structures of clinical importance
3.Identify articular surfaces of major joints
4. Correlate features and normal functioning of joints

Radiological anatomy of Head, Neck & Face

1. Describe the normal appearance and relationship of bones and joints in a normal radiograph (X-ray) of the region

➥ Brain- CNS System

Describe normal features of brain and spinal cord

1. Identify parts of brain on a specimen/model
2. Describe normal location and relationship of brain and spinal cord
3. Describe its applied anatomy

➥ Thorax

Osteology of Thorax

1. Describe the general features of the sternum, ribs and thoracic vertebrae
2. Describe the major attachments on mandible
3. Mention clinically significant ossification features
4. Draw the surface marking of the major structures in the regions using surface landmarks

Dissection/ Demonstration

1. Describe the important surface land marks in the region
2. Describe the morphology of lung and its relations.
3. Describe the external features of heart and interior of its chambers
4.Identify major contents of superior and posterior mediastina

Radiological anatomy of Thorax

1. Interpret normal chest radiograph in conventional P-A view

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